Latest News
- 20/12/2021
Illusion Photography Competition
- 12/12/2021
Yuen Long Fellows: HKSAR's celebrations to mark 70th Nationa...
- 02/12/2021
Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School - 4th Inter-school Prima...
- 22/11/2021
2022-2023 年度「小一自行派位」結果及註冊須知
- 22/11/2021
The Result...
- 15/11/2021
Parent Manager Election 2021-2022 Results
- 06/11/2021
[HK01] LKKB - Celebrating Halloween 2122
- 17/09/2021
8th Kindergarten English Speech Competition (New Territories...
- 11/09/2021
2021-2022 Election of Parent Manager for the Incorporated Ma...
- 09/09/2021
LKKB Hong Kong Story Microfilm Contest Award