Latest News
- 05/03/2021
Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch) 2020-2021...
- 04/01/2021
HK01: LKKB Online Christmas Party
- 23/11/2020
The Result...
- 11/11/2020
The Parent Manager Election 2020-2021 of Incorporated Manage...
- 24/09/2020
STEM proposes school based coordinator initiatives. Subcommi...
- 21/09/2020
LKKB Becoming the awardee of the International Outstanding e...
- 16/09/2020
Allocation of Discretionary Places Primary One Admission 202...
- 08/09/2020
7th Kindergarten English Speech Competition Results (New Ter...
- 02/09/2020
Latest School Introduction
- 28/08/2020
School Introduction Online Meeting Enrol