Teachers' Achievement
Innovation Essay Award - Implementing STEM Effectively into the School Curriculum
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (Primary English)
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - STEM EDUCATION
Most Favourite Local STEM Education Award - Best Promotion of Traditional Education
The 2nd Outstanding Teaching Award for Moral Education
Hong Kong Women's Volleyball Team Player (2008-2017)
Aerial Photography Master
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - e-Learning Application
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - STEM Education & Computational Thinking
Innovation Award - Implementing STEM into School Curriculum
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards (2018/19)
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards 2019/20 - Award: Gold & e-Learning Special Anti- epidemic Award
2020 Caring School Award Scheme
SDL-STEM Teacher Award Scheme 2021
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards 2020/21
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards – STEM & Computational Thinking Education
CoolThink@JC Commendation Scheme
Caring School Awarding Scheme
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - History and Humanities Education - Merit
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - Chinese - Merit
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - English - Silver
International Outstanding e-Learning Awards - Mathematics - Gold